Our Global awakening is giving us all a chance to unfold, awaken, release old behavior patterns, and all of these symptoms that you are experiencing, are taking you somewhere.
Your feelings of stress are asking you to change from within.
Our Global awakening is giving us all a chance to unfold, awaken, release old behavior patterns, and all of these symptoms that you are experiencing, are taking you somewhere.
Your feelings of stress are asking you to change from within.
The global events and trauma that have occurred over the years - war, famine, hurricanes, corruption, addiction and abuse, that have caused people to die, destroyed property, ruined economies, shattered lives and dreams, have sternly called for humankind to see a bigger picture. In the absence of such horrific events on an epic scale, humankind is given every day events in the minutiae to experience triggers to wake up to experience and feel one’s personal journey of a human, soul, and being, while here on earth, and in the grander scheme of the universe.
The stress caused by both the massive and minutiae commands us to pause and reflect on what we are doing on planet earth, as we continue to participate within chaotic time constraints, hurtling ourselves towards infinity. What do we do when we are faced with the insurmountable tasks of the never-ending and timeless tasks? Do we compartmentalize them in our attempt to conquer and control, or do we quiet ourselves, surrender, ease up, relinquish so that we can actually hear any and all messages and lessons that are coming through for us?
Believe it or not, we do not need to have trauma to pause, reflect and to stop the ever-turning wheel. However, trauma can be the universe’s way of hinting to us that we need to wake up, and that changes need to be made ultimately for our own highest good. And, as words of encouragement and to guide you, often times in our greatest weaknesses and life challenges, lies our greatest strength and abilities.
Why LyonHart - Amrie?
Experience the energy and frequency
behind this website and the
workthat I facilitate.
Open the Door To The New You
From experience gained from my own
self healing journey, I can be a guide to your
self healing journey.
Heal, Change, Grow
Learn how to run healing energy on yourself and your loved ones to enhance your own growth and journey.
Current Inspiration From Our Social Media
Believe it or not, the reality is that we have
the ability to become
"on the inside” that stable,
balanced professional who has it all
Believe it or not, the reality is that we have
the ability to become
"on the inside” that stable,
"on the inside” that stable,
balanced professional who has it all